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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sama Veda - Prayer

May there be peace in the sky, 
may there be peace in mid region, 
may there be peace on earth, 
may there be peace in the waters, 
may the medicinal plants be peaceful, 
may the forest be peaceful, 
may there be peace in gods, 
may Brahma be peaceful, 
may all the creations be peaceful, 
may there be peace and peace only, 
may such peace come to us.


 An update for those who are regular readers.

As the clock ticks by , images linger , moments of the past continue to reel past in the theater of the brain, silence is the only stereophonic sound that pervades.

In my meanderings, my contemplation has led me to a point where a decision must soon be reached.

The choice is between the retreat to Manchale or continuing on the present path.

A decision will soon be arrived at in the coming months.

Doubts will cease to exist.

The self-impact would be divine graced.

The collateral impact would be softer than the falling of cotton on a mattress.

The words of  Garcia float across;' Life is but a brief romance'.

My life has been lived with all my passion

This is soon overtaken by divine chant of the pranav mantra.

The heart beats to the rhythm of the universal sound,'Om'.

Life has been a lonely travel, yet i know, i am not alone!

It is known that God is everywhere, so How can i be alone!

Manchale the station of refuge, my abode would be home to the being who has been cast aside, stripped of the last fabric, a place where soft divine chants reverbate.

In my forgiving others , i seek forgiveness.

I take refuge in Krishna.

I take refuge in my Guru, Shri Guru Swamy Raghavendraya.

I take refuge in the Gita.

This is where i come to Rest for all times.

Sri Hari Vayu Guru Jeevothama.