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Wednesday, March 15, 2017


For many of us, fear of the unknown is scarier than the prospect of remaining forever unhappy.

The only time that is truly promised to us is right now—this moment. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is promised to none.

Moving towards happiness and joy may mean that you have to leave some “stable” things behind. Sometimes that means it’s time to end a relationship or leave a job or move to a new location. Sometimes it can be on a smaller scale, like learning a new hobby, making new friends or learning a new skill. 

It is said that at the end of life people do not regret the things they did, but rather, they regret the things that they did not have the courage to do. Don’t get to the end of your life with dreams left unfulfilled. 

Listen to your heart, follow your joy and live a life of no regrets.

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