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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Only eat what you want to (Let your hunger decide)

Dear Reader ,
Here's something i would really like you to go through. At the end i have given the original author's name and the website adddress.

Hope you would enjoy the read.


Dear Prasad,
I am often amazed at the sheer size of the food portions at some restaurants. There are times, I am sure we have all experienced it, when the amount of food on the plate is completely overwhelming and you know you can never eat it all.

Have you ever looked around the restaurant after having such a feast set before you? Some of the people at the restaurant are surely feeling the same as you are, realizing there is just too much food on the plate; but others are enthusiastically digging into their plate of food, the quantity, in their eyes, perfect for their current hunger.

What is one to do in such a situation?

The answer: let your hunger decide. Eat only what you need too. There is no rule that you must eat all of a meal in order to enjoy and savor the different flavors. When you feel satisfied, stop.

Well, you may be thinking, that is a fairly obvious point. So, what IS the point?

Have you ever thought of using a similar rule with your business?

This idea popped up at the recent Wealthy Thought Leader event. There were big ideas and big money models being discussed, and a wide range of participants, in a wide range of places with their businesses, at the event. Some were, initially, completely overwhelmed by the sheer size of what was being talked about, while others were digging in with complete enthusiasm.

As the discussions continued it became clear that the answer for everyone was:

Eat only what you need too. When you feel satisfied stop.

Talking about a large membership site boggling your mind? Apply the idea to starting a community forum.

Is a $100 000 coaching program money model too big to wrap your head around? Apply the concept to creating a coaching program that is a high-end money model compared to what you currently offer.

Ideas are malleable. Shape the new ideas you encounter into ideas that work for you and your business.

And what does this have to do with Money, Meaning, and Beyond?

This week's excerpt was originally written with the figure $250 000 as the example. As you read it today remember that the number doesn't really matter, pick a number that fits your business; then apply the information to your business' current hunger.

Until soon,

The Money, Meaning & Beyond Team

Chapter 22 Riding the Tiger

Some business owners hit a ceiling in their business. They
reach a certain level of success and despite best efforts are
unable to move past this invisible barrier to growth. This
seems to happen frequently at the quarter million dollar
mark, so we've nicknamed it the 'Quarter Million Dollar
Speed Bump.'

Other business owners step right into the flow, and go beyond what they thought was possible. Success arrives at their doorstep in full bloom and it creates a sensation like free falling - wonderful if you're calm, terrifying if you're not.

No matter which category you find yourself in, the most common response is to 'do this' or 'try that' to regain mo- mentum or equilibrium. In our experience, the solution - if we can call it that - has little to do with 'doing' and much more to do with 'being'.

Wisdom nugget:
Come to realize that your business is not yours; it's only on loan to you.

YOU are *not* in control.

Whether you have children or not, you've likely heard the
saying, "Children are not ours, they're only on loan to us."

Somewhere along the path to seven figures, often comes the
realization that the same thing applies to your business. It's
a foundational piece of the journey.

Sooner or later, you, the CEO, Founder, President, Owner,
or whatever title you hold, realize that you are not in con-
trol, and the business is in actuality *not* yours. It hits you between the eyes. And regardless of your spiritual beliefs or personal faith, let's see if this makes a kind of sense:

Your business is really only on loan to you to shepherd awhile.

Different business owners respond to this very differently, so pause a moment now to make a does this idea strike you?

Does it seem true, and feel freeing? Or does it feel odd and uncertain? Maybe it feels like something else entirely.

Copyright © 2010 all rights reserved.

Thought Partners International Ltd.
Box 29016, 2515 Highlands Rd W
Lethbridge, AB T1J 4Y2

Andrea J. Lee | |

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