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Friday, October 21, 2011

5 Q's.

THE 5 Questions .

One of my personal experiences involves the use of asking myself a few pointed questions that encourages me to go deep & think about the things that truly count for me.

Here are a set of Five Questions that are available to use irrespective of your whether you are a young male or female or a middle aged person or an elderly person.

Age is in your brain, Age is just a set of numbers, Age is your count you and others choose to keep of the time spent doing What?

So set aside Your Number and Just Focus on the Result You Desire.

Seat yourself down alone preferably, keep your cup glass of favourite beverage besides you, launch into your ipad or, laptop or iphone or BB or whatever is your play toy and start by tackling the Questions given below and honestly answering them.

*What would the child YOU once were think of the adult YOU have become?

*How old would you be if you did not know how old you are?

*What 3 things could you do over the next 30 days to raise YOUR Life to its next level of EXCELLENCE & FESTIVITY? [What is preventing YOU from doing it?]

*What do YOU want YOUR Life to look like in every area…..{Career, Personal, Financial, Spiritual}12 months / 24 months from now?

*What are the 5 things that make YOU most Happy?

Now that you have the answers / responses, Read them over Slowly.

Toss them over in your head.

Think of them and Ask Yourself What do You Need To Do Now?

How Critically do You Need what the Responses are?

What do You Need to Attain or Achieve Them?

What is Stopping You?

Who is Stopping You?

Very Often , we Realize and find that Most of the Times , it is " I , Me, Myself, who is Stopping Myself, Me".

So, Now You have the Responses.

For the Next Steps or sets of action ask your coach or write to or meet with your coach.

Best wishes,


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