Coaching & Mentoring
by Steve Banhegyi
CIDA City Campus, African Leadership School
A Quote…..
Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.
Mark Twain (1835-1910, American Humorist, Writer)
What is Coaching?
"a process that enables learning and development to occur and thus performance to improve. To be a successful a Coach requires a knowledge and understanding of process as well as the variety of styles, skills and techniques that are appropriate to the context in which the coaching takes place"
What is Coaching? …
Coaching is not generally performed on the basis that the coach has direct experience of their client’s formal occupational role unless the coaching is specific and skills focused.
What is a Coach? or Who is a Coach?
A person who wants to see you win for the rest of your life.
A person to talk to when you run into problems or want to prevent problems from developing.
A person who will stay in contact with you across time and settings.
What is Mentoring?
"off-line help by one person to another in making significant transitions in knowledge, work or thinking“
Mentoring enables an individual to follow in the path of an older and wiser colleague who can pass on knowledge, experience and open doors to otherwise out-of-reach opportunities.
Coaching & Mentoring
Coaching & mentoring, both of which focus on the individual, can enhance morale, motivation and productivity and reduce staff turnover as individuals feel valued and connected with both small and large organisational changes.
This role may be provided by internal coaches or mentors and, increasingly, by professional coaching agencies.
Coaching & Mentoring.
Actively taps potential.
Fine tunes and develops skills.
Development activities are designed to suit client’s personal needs and learning styles.
Eliminates specific performance problems.
Can focus on interpersonal skills, which cannot be readily or effectively transferred in a traditional training environment.
Provides contacts and networks to assist with furthering their career or life aspirations.
Performed in the ‘live’ environment
Highly effective when used as a means of supporting training initiatives to ensure that key skills are transferred to the ‘live’ environment.
Coaches and mentors transfer the skills to the client rather than doing the job for them.
Coaching & Mentoring.
A therapist will explore your fears about riding a bike.
A consultant will tell you how to ride a bike.
A mentor will show you how to ride a bike.
A coach, when you decide you want to ride a bike, will run along beside you to provide support.
Traditional Training
Wholesale transfer of new skills, e.g. change in procedures, new systems (e.g. software application training), new job function.
Programmes are mostly generic and not tailored to individual needs. Delegates generally have to complete standard modules, so there is little room for tailoring the programme to account for existing knowledge, skills or preferences.
Not always sufficiently similar to the ‘live’ working environment to ensure effective skills transfer.
Best suited to transfer of knowledge and certain skills rather than the development of personal qualities or competencies
Reasons to Coach
The higher up you go in management; the value of your technical skill declines while the value of your interpersonal skill increases
Growing organisations need emotionally mature employees
Personal growth and development can seem like a painstaking process, especially when you approach it alone
Excessive employee turnover can rob a company of its base of knowledge
Ongoing interaction with a personal coach makes it easier to cope with the chaos (the sounding board)
360 degree Feedback (how well am I doing?)
Rapid Change
Coaching Topics
Goal Setting / Problems in reaching priorities
Interpersonal relationships (work & personal)
Personal / professional plans
Progress benchmarks
Personal roadblocks, blind spots & other concerns
Pressing decisions (To get perspective.)
Benefits to the Coach
Become better listener
Become better learner
Have clearer understanding of leadership styles requiring to ‘let go’
People want to work for them
Become better leader
Learn strategy & empowerment
In the Past..
On the farm / in the village:
Parent / Child
Grandparent / Grandchild
Society of Artisans:
Craftsman / Apprentice
University Scholar / Student
Knight / Novice
Artist / Protege
And Today…
In the home: decreasing parent-child conversations
In school / university: faculty & students rarely meet outside the classroom
In industry: the craftsman has given ground to the technician
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