The future as i visualize
Let the nations of the world give up their hold and control on the telecommunications services.
Let this fall under the purview of the global body, the U.N. Let the U.N. allot service providers per nation, per region, per capacity and capability.
Let the UN unilaterally bring in the same levels in the telecommunication filed across nation for each nation.
Let the cost of the same be borne by the nations individually with the people of the world contributing. Let organizations and corporates come forward to take up major portions of the sponsorship or underwriting of the installation costs.
After all they are the ones who benefit the most from spreading their tentacles.
Let the spirit of Competitive Best prevail.
How does this help and in what way to what extent.
Nations across the world will have free, flow of communication facilities for the people living in them. This is more so critical even in today’s times when there are plenty of nations that are still developing or under developed.
Apart from economically speaking , even nations where a free , fair , legit govt of people is absent , it is a necessity for the communications to be free , fair and flowing for people at all times.
Individual whims, fancies and despotic brains will be kept out of the control / regulation factor of telecom services.
Users across nations can experience economical pricing.
Service providers will be able to compete for larger slices or pies of market share.
Competitive prices will also bring in its train competitive services.
This would mean a tremendous improvement in the overall quality of services all-round.
Elimination of wannabe service providers as players.
Creation of more jobs as the market spread will be bigger.
Hopefully this would be small steps of governments and forward thinking people in governance, though ultimately it would be a giant leap for mankind.
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