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Monday, February 20, 2017

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness...”Dr.Martin L King.

The idea of force is based on mechanics; Newtonian physics, such as billiard balls knocking each other along. It gives rise to the belief that we need force, and need to be stronger than others. Resonance is more about energy and waves. 
Waves don’t push each other along. 
They blend and form new resonant. patterns." ~ Peter Aziz

The immeasurable power of resonance, being invisible, can be overlooked. Just reflect on the difference your personal energy and state of being makes in your life, on those around you too, and the types of choices you make even.
 It's also the principle of Oneness. EVERYTHING is energy.

The work of the late Dr Masaru Emoto also showed the influence of energy in visible form by the shapes water molecules took in response to the resonance of thoughts, feelings, prayers, words, music, and so on.

In times of crisis, chaos and uncertainty, you might feel all over the place, understandably! 

Honour and process your feelings wherever you're at. Doing so allows you to be more intimate with yourself, to release and transform energy, and be more present, open and vulnerable, all of which are also doorways to love.

Accept and be present with yourself ~ just as you are ~ right now.

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