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Monday, February 20, 2017

Six things a Hindu can do while speaking or writing in English.

Never refer to scriptures of our Gods as Idols or Statues or Images

 Use the terms Moorthi or Vigraha.

 If words like Guru and Mantra can be mainstream, why not Moorthi or Vigraha?

2) Don't use that meaningless term RIP when someone dies. Use Om Shanti or #sadgati instead. 

3) Don't refer to Ganesh and Hanuman as 'elephant god and monkey god' respectively. Simply write Shree Ganesh and Shree Hanuman. 

4) When you write/talk about the destruction of Hindu temples by bigoted Islamic rulers, don't call them 'foreign invaders'. They had names. Use them. 

5) Never ever give weak justifications of Moorthi pooja like 'oh, it is just a symbol'. And yeah, don't EVER call it 'idol worship'. It is a derogatory term coined by Abrahamanic faiths that have decided 'Idol Worship' is a crime. Why should WE be defensive about it? 

6. Never use the term Mythology for our historic Ramayana Mahabaratha. 

Mythology is introduced by some british who want to prove us, our history Ramayana and MahaBaratha is false and part of myth. 

We got our historical evidence from birth to wars and everything related to these places. Please use words puranas sastharas for our history, but not the british word mythology.

Even many british devotees dont agree with Mythology for Indian history.

Remember, the world respects only those who respect themselves!

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