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Friday, October 21, 2011

5 Q's.

THE 5 Questions .

One of my personal experiences involves the use of asking myself a few pointed questions that encourages me to go deep & think about the things that truly count for me.

Here are a set of Five Questions that are available to use irrespective of your whether you are a young male or female or a middle aged person or an elderly person.

Age is in your brain, Age is just a set of numbers, Age is your count you and others choose to keep of the time spent doing What?

So set aside Your Number and Just Focus on the Result You Desire.

Seat yourself down alone preferably, keep your cup glass of favourite beverage besides you, launch into your ipad or, laptop or iphone or BB or whatever is your play toy and start by tackling the Questions given below and honestly answering them.

*What would the child YOU once were think of the adult YOU have become?

*How old would you be if you did not know how old you are?

*What 3 things could you do over the next 30 days to raise YOUR Life to its next level of EXCELLENCE & FESTIVITY? [What is preventing YOU from doing it?]

*What do YOU want YOUR Life to look like in every area…..{Career, Personal, Financial, Spiritual}12 months / 24 months from now?

*What are the 5 things that make YOU most Happy?

Now that you have the answers / responses, Read them over Slowly.

Toss them over in your head.

Think of them and Ask Yourself What do You Need To Do Now?

How Critically do You Need what the Responses are?

What do You Need to Attain or Achieve Them?

What is Stopping You?

Who is Stopping You?

Very Often , we Realize and find that Most of the Times , it is " I , Me, Myself, who is Stopping Myself, Me".

So, Now You have the Responses.

For the Next Steps or sets of action ask your coach or write to or meet with your coach.

Best wishes,


Why do we need Coaching Today?

Mobility (Close family members, who might be mentors, live miles apart).

It's a Hyper technical world (People need to relate to people and life…not just GB, RAM & baud rates).

The Smaller the group, the more critical it is to nurture, mentor and keep leaders.

Attitudes/Values(Best learned by modeling within a coaching relationship).

A Coach Provides.....

Objectivity: Be sure the direction you choose is the right one.

Wisdom: Become clear in your reasons for going in that direction.

Network: Meet the people needed to get you there.

Motivation: You want to please him/her

Try To Answer This Question by Having a Discussion within Yourself.

If you had one or more people, whom you admired a great deal, WHO can offer themselves and their resources to help you reach your personal & professional goals in the next few years, how do you think it would accelerate your progress?

Who would you choose?

Some Probable Answers.

Nelson Mandela

Your Priest

Your Mother

Your Father

Malcolm X

Britney Spears

Thabo Mbeki

Robert Mugabe

Tony Blair

Kadar Asmal

Muhammed Ali

Will Smith

Winnie Mandela

Mahatma Gandhi

And what would you ask them for?

Personal Problems

Career Advice

Secrets of Success

How to avoid mistakes?

How to perform at your best?

How can I become Coachable?

Need to ask for help = overcoming the myth of individualism + culture change

Accept who I am (Discover, Internalize then Live who You are)

Begin to think (become a visionary) and then be proactive through a coaching relationship

Now lets look at How To…

Find A Coach (or do it by yourself)

Step 1

Set the framework for the relationship (who is Coach and Coachee?)

Step 2

Establish what is to be achieved

Step 3

Establish by when it is to be achieved

Step 4.


Step 5.


Now, lets look at How to..

Coach in a friendly context

First get or Establish the ‘Coaching Moment’

Second Creating Dialogue.

Third Ask questions, get others to take ownership

Fourth is to Gather performance data
Balanced feedback

Fifth Step Collaborating on interpretation

Goal Setting 1… and Goal Setting 2…

Write down What you want. Put this in the Positive.

Everything you will gain by achieving your goal. Make it as descriptive and colourful as possible.

What you will lose by achieving your goal.

Take plenty of time on this list.

Feel free to write down silly things, since no one else will be reading this.

Imagine yourself having your goal, going through your normal routine, what comes up, is it all positive or are there any doubts.

What will you lose by not achieving your goal.

A lot of this may be the same as above but you may come up with some other things as well.

What you will gain by not achieving your goal.

Again, you may already have written some of these down.

See what else comes up.

Goal Setting 3…

Look at what you have written, and decide whether your goal is truly worth it. Either decide to go ahead with achieving your goal. Or decide to drop your goal.

Goal Setting 4…

Relax, let go. You are now totally committed (if you decided to keep your goal) to achieving your goal and will probably find yourself effortlessly and naturally achieving your goal

Goal Setting 5…

The first step in achieving your goal is to clearly state what you want. Put it in the present and make it positive.

Start with your current, limiting belief. Or your description of the situation.

"I am underachieving in my studies" ,or, "I can perform better at my workplace"

Turn it around. What do you want instead?

"I want to achieve excellent marks", or,"I want to be perform better at my workplace".

Make it completely positive, no negative words allowed at all.

If you can't think of how to do this, ask yourself what you will have once you have achieved your goal.

"I want to achieve my ideal marks", or,"i want to be the best at my workplace."

Turn it into the present tense, as if it is already true.

"I am achieving my ideal marks", or ,"i am the best at my workplace".

Neuro Linguistic Programming is simple as Changing the State.

State Changing (Moods)




Example is leadership.- Albert Schweitzer

Leadership is the wise use of power. Power is the capacity to translate intention into reality and sustain it.- Albert Bennis

There are many elements to a campaign. Leadership is number one. Everything else is number two. - Bertolt Brecht

Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy. - Norman Schwarzkopf

Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. - Dwight D. Eisenhower.

All of the great leaders have had one characteristic in common: it was the willingness to confront unequivocally the major anxiety of their people in their time. This, and not much else, is the essence of leadership - JK Galbraith

One secret of leadership is that the mind of a leader never turns off. Leaders even when they are sightseers or spectators, are active; not passive observers. - James Humes

Leadership is not a position. You are not a leader because you have the title of manager. Leadership is something that we earn from followers on a day to day basis.- The EMS Manager Newsletter.

Leadership is an opportunity to serve. It is not a trumpet call to self-importance.- J. Donald Walters

Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.- Stephen R. Covey

To have long term success as a coach or in any position of leadership, you have to be obsessed in some way- Pat Riley

Management works in the system; Leadership works on the system - Stephen R. Covey

I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people. Mahatma Gandhi

Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. Peter F. Drucker.

Thank You,
God Bless You
& Bye!


Coaching & Mentoring
by Steve Banhegyi
CIDA City Campus, African Leadership School

A Quote…..

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.

Mark Twain (1835-1910, American Humorist, Writer)
What is Coaching?
"a process that enables learning and development to occur and thus performance to improve. To be a successful a Coach requires a knowledge and understanding of process as well as the variety of styles, skills and techniques that are appropriate to the context in which the coaching takes place"

What is Coaching?

Coaching is not generally performed on the basis that the coach has direct experience of their client’s formal occupational role unless the coaching is specific and skills focused.

What is a Coach? or Who is a Coach?

A person who wants to see you win for the rest of your life.

A person to talk to when you run into problems or want to prevent problems from developing.

A person who will stay in contact with you across time and settings.

What is Mentoring?

"off-line help by one person to another in making significant transitions in knowledge, work or thinking“

Mentoring enables an individual to follow in the path of an older and wiser colleague who can pass on knowledge, experience and open doors to otherwise out-of-reach opportunities.

Coaching & Mentoring

Coaching & mentoring, both of which focus on the individual, can enhance morale, motivation and productivity and reduce staff turnover as individuals feel valued and connected with both small and large organisational changes.

This role may be provided by internal coaches or mentors and, increasingly, by professional coaching agencies.

Coaching & Mentoring.

Actively taps potential.

Fine tunes and develops skills.

Development activities are designed to suit client’s personal needs and learning styles.

Eliminates specific performance problems.

Can focus on interpersonal skills, which cannot be readily or effectively transferred in a traditional training environment.

Provides contacts and networks to assist with furthering their career or life aspirations.

Performed in the ‘live’ environment

Highly effective when used as a means of supporting training initiatives to ensure that key skills are transferred to the ‘live’ environment.

Coaches and mentors transfer the skills to the client rather than doing the job for them.

Coaching & Mentoring.

A therapist will explore your fears about riding a bike.

A consultant will tell you how to ride a bike.

A mentor will show you how to ride a bike.

A coach, when you decide you want to ride a bike, will run along beside you to provide support.

Traditional Training

Wholesale transfer of new skills, e.g. change in procedures, new systems (e.g. software application training), new job function.

Programmes are mostly generic and not tailored to individual needs. Delegates generally have to complete standard modules, so there is little room for tailoring the programme to account for existing knowledge, skills or preferences.

Not always sufficiently similar to the ‘live’ working environment to ensure effective skills transfer.

Best suited to transfer of knowledge and certain skills rather than the development of personal qualities or competencies

Reasons to Coach

The higher up you go in management; the value of your technical skill declines while the value of your interpersonal skill increases

Growing organisations need emotionally mature employees

Personal growth and development can seem like a painstaking process, especially when you approach it alone

Excessive employee turnover can rob a company of its base of knowledge

Ongoing interaction with a personal coach makes it easier to cope with the chaos (the sounding board)

360 degree Feedback (how well am I doing?)


Rapid Change

Coaching Topics


Goal Setting / Problems in reaching priorities

Interpersonal relationships (work & personal)

Personal / professional plans

Progress benchmarks

Personal roadblocks, blind spots & other concerns

Pressing decisions (To get perspective.)

Benefits to the Coach

Become better listener

Become better learner

Have clearer understanding of leadership styles requiring to ‘let go’

People want to work for them

Become better leader

Learn strategy & empowerment

In the Past..

On the farm / in the village:

Parent / Child

Grandparent / Grandchild

Society of Artisans:

Craftsman / Apprentice

University Scholar / Student

Knight / Novice

Artist / Protege

And Today…

In the home: decreasing parent-child conversations

In school / university: faculty & students rarely meet outside the classroom

In industry: the craftsman has given ground to the technician

Thursday, October 20, 2011



As i look at Life pass by outside, i hear a cacophony of jarring noises.

I see an unending ocean of traffic coming and going like a wave after wave.

It all seems so senseless.

It is an eyesore.

The village’s landscape has changed. It has mushroomed into a society.

It is now an overgrown and a multimagnified city.

The inhabitants come from places far and wide.

All for and with the same objective.

To earn a living!

Majority have walked out of their villages. Some have heard about their forefathers migrating from villages to towns that are cities. Majority were born in the city.

What losses did this result in?

To whom?

At what cost?

As so-called civilization and evolution overtook villages, towns, and changed things, people changed.

In the name of becoming civil, they lost humanity.

They lost their traditional, ancient skills, knowledge.

Century old practices were discarded.

Ancient Customs were flung aside.

Bygone Traditions were given the go-by.

The Loser Man and Succeeding Generations of People.

How did they lose?

In what way did they lose?

The Nuclear family shoved out the joint family.

Suddenly Uncles, Aunts, Grandparents were made to feel strangers no longer wanted in their own homes and had to stay separately.

Today even parents are made to feel that way!

This resulted in Bygone Traditions, Age Old Customs, Ancient Practices Being Abandoned for Quick-Fix Solutions.

Owing to this, went the ability and humanly evolved art of natural Counselling and Coaching.

Today, we have University and College qualified Counsellors and Coaches.

They come armed with paper Certificates, than Life Earned Experiences.

We no longer have the Old Wise Man, the Village Grand Mother.

Human or within family Counselling and Coaching practices and habits died.

Stress and stress related ailments are now family.

Instances of the elders being available to the younger in the family for handholding, passing down of skills from one generation to another, are almost dead and decadent.

Yes, people must change with the times or else we would be like dinosaurs in Jurassic park that died as they remained from evolving.

However the Change has to be for the Better not for the End or Death of Traditional Customs, Arts, Practices and Skills of Livelihood that Assured Financial Security and Dignified Living to the People.

With the oncoming of each new day, more and more people would be needed who would be able to, “Care” for Mental Health Cases.

Mental health is the Youngest of all Medical Sciences.

The oncoming world would need people who would be using and exercising more of their Mental prowess.

This means, More, Visualizers, Visionaries, Dreamers and People with Tremendous Foresight.

To Assist, Care and Heal them, and their Mental Health Issues, there would be a need for Mental Health Care Professionals.

It is here that, the elders as in the joint family system would have been a big assistance and Help.

It is here that the nuclear family would suffer the shocks, traumas of the progress, the evolution, the absence or lack of their own people whom they could or would be able to relate to.

This is applicable not just in India.

From Nagpur to Nairobi, from Bangalore to Buenos Aries, from Dubai to Denver, from Cape Comorin to Cape of Good Hope it is universal. It is a global phenomenon.

Every nation would feel this and have to address the issue of Growing Mental Health Concerns, later if not sooner.

This is no alarm –bell. It is the Wake-Up Call.

Those who ignore it will bear and face the consequences.

Those who are, Sensitive, Respond and Act would be the ones who can keep marching with changing times and still be evolving.

This is being Realistic and able to See the Clear Picture!!!!!

With Best Wishes,


Wednesday, October 19, 2011



The small details of our lives are what really matter in a relationship.

It is not the number of bedrooms in the house or how big or small or grand is the house, or the number of cars or the type of the car, neither the property, nor the the money in the bank.

These create an environment conducive for happiness but cannot give happiness in themselves.

So let me find time , incline myself to be my spouse's friend and do those little things for each other that help build intimacy.

At the end of it i want and need in as much as we want to have a real happy relationship with one another as in the marriage!

If i don't share this, nothing will happen to you or me or us.

If i do, i just might save a relationship / marriage. Many of life's failures are thanks to people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."

So even when the going gets tough , everything seems to be at its worst , and i have a very strong head-on wind blowing into me , and i am the last man standing i must strive forth and continue for it is there that,"Success Lies Just ahead of the Corner".

Let Me also Remember, that Motivation begins with Appreciation.

Once you acknowledge the things that YOU are doing RIGHT, it’s easy to feel MOTIVATED to try harder, the next time around or tomorrow.

Thanks ,


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Difference Between Guru and Teacher.

Dear Reader,

Here is the difference between a Teacher and a Guru.

You may like to peruse slowly to make a Careful Choice.

With Best wishes,


A Teacher Takes Responsibility of Your Growth,
A Guru Makes You Responsible for Your Growth.

A Teacher Gives You Things You do not have and require,
A Guru Takes away Things You have and do not require.

A Teacher Answers Your Questions,
A Guru Questions Your Answers.

A Teacher Helps You Get Out of the Maze,
A Guru Destroys the Maze.

A Teacher Requires Obedience and Discipline from the Pupil,
A Guru Requires Trust and Humility from the Pupil.

A Teacher Clothes You and Prepares You for the Outer Journey,
A Guru Strips You Naked and Prepares You for the Inner Journey.

A Teacher is a Guide on the Path,
A Guru is a Pointer to the Way.

A Teacher Sends You on the Road to Success,
A Guru Sends You on the Road to Freedom.

A Teacher Explains the World and its Nature to You,
A Guru Explains Yourself and Your Nature to You.

A Teacher Makes You Understand How to Move about in the World,
A Guru Shows You Where You Stand in Relation to the World.

A Teacher Gives You Knowledge and Boosts Your Ego,
A Guru Takes Away Your Knowledge and Punctures Your Ego.

A Teacher Instructs You,
A Guru Constructs You.

A Teacher Sharpens Your Mind,
A Guru Opens Your Mind.

A Teacher Shows You the Way to Prosperity,
A Guru Shows the Way to Serenity.

A Teacher Reaches Your Mind,
A Guru Touches Your Soul.

A Teacher Gives You Knowledge,
A Guru Makes You Wise.

A Teacher Gives You Maturity,
A Guru Returns You to Innocence.

A Teacher Instructs You on How to Solve Problems,
A Guru Shows You How to Resolve Issues.

A Teacher is a Systematic Thinker,
A Guru is a Lateral Thinker.

A Teacher will Punish You with a Stick,
A Guru will Punish You with Compassion.

A Teacher is to Pupil what a Father is to Son,
A Guru is to Pupil what Mother is to Her Child.

One can always find a Teacher,
But a Guru has to Find and Accept You.

A Teacher Leads You by the Hand,
A Guru leads You by Example.

When a Teacher Finishes with You,
you graduate.

When a Guru Finishes with You,
you Celebrate!!!!!


Human Mind is faster than flowing rivers.

Truth is Greater and Better than Heaven.

Anger, Ignorance, Self Conceit,

The cause of Dissatisfaction, Greed and Resentment is Hope.

HOPE in itself is not bad, Yet when Combined or Driven by Vanity from a bed of Selfishness, Conceit and Avarice is the Most Disgusting Cause of Disatisfaction.

Most humans are covered with this for something or the other that they seek either for themself or for Others.

This leads to the Question, "What should the ideal Human Being? Can everyone be a True Brahman?

So let me make an Attempt to answer the question in itself with a few more supplementary questions.

Who is a True Brahman?

What is a True Brahman?

A True Brahman as per the Buddha:

"Whoever is Friendly amidst the Hostile, Peaceful amidst the Violent, Content amidst the Clinging,

He, whose Passion and Hatred, Pride and Hypocrisy have just Fallen away like a Mustard Seed on a Needle Point,

Whoever speaks words that are gentle, informative, pleasant and offensive to none, him I call a true Brahman". for The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad by Swami Krishnananda CHAPTER V. Fourth Brahmana: Brahman as the True or the Real.

Age is no Bar or Respecter of Knowledge.

A Knowledgeable Person irrespective of the Age is Supreme before all Beings.

Yes a True hallmark of a Supremely Knowledgeable Person is Humility.

Knowledge is and can be acquired while Humility as a quality is in born.

At best it can be imbibed over years of Conscious choice of practising Humility through Strict and Rigorous Discipline.

Discipline that tempers the Human Brain, Thoughts, Controls Acts

and Overcomes Temptations of the Highest Order,

is Like the Fine Tempering of Gold through Fire

and Constant Unrelenting Hammering into a Fine Piece of Jewellery,

that adorns the physique of a lady and thus increasing her

into a more Beautiful Being.

In an Individual being Brahman remains Hidden as the Inner most self and participates silently in the Sacrificial art of Living.

Truly Brahman is the Most Ancient Priest and the only True Priest.

Every Cycle of Creation is an Act of Sacrifice, a grand Ritual and every Aspect of Creation is either an aspect of ritual or a ritual by Itself.

This is best brought out by the Bhagawad Gita through the following verses;

He who is Free From Attachment,

who is Liberated,

whose Mind is established in Knowledge,

whose Actions are but Actions of Sacrifice only,

His Actions are Completely dissolved.[Ch. 4 V. 23].

Such a Person is the True Brahman.

His Offering is Brahman,

His Oblation is Brahman,

His Sacrificial Fire is Brahman,

The Sacrifice is Brahman.

He Certainly Attains Brahman, Who finds Brahman Situated in All Activities.[Ch. 4 V.24].

Some Offer Sacrifices to Gods while Performing Yagnas,

while the Mystics Worship the Supreme Brahman being

by Offering the Self in the Sacrificial Fire of the Brahman.[ Ch.4.V.25]

I am Kratu [Vedic Ritual],

I am Yagna [Sacrificial Ceremony],

I am Svadha [An Offering in the Sacrificial Ceremony],

I am Medicine,

I am the Mantra [the Sacred Chant]

i am Adyam, [Fuel in the Yagna],

I am Agni [Fire],

I am Hutam [the Burnt Remains of an Offering in the Yagna][Ch.9 V.16].

Friday, October 14, 2011

Power of Shri Guru Raghavendra.

Power of Shri Guru Raghavendra Swamy of Mantralayam to Revive the Dead .

Shri Guru Raghavendra Swamy is also lovingly known as; Raya, Rayaru, Gurudeva, Gurugala, Gururaya, KeshariNandan, Sakalpradtha, Mantralaya Swami, Kalparukshaya, Kamadhenu.

On a hot summer day, Rayaru was on his way home from a pilgrimage. He decided to rest in the shade of a tree at Krishnapuram (near Hubli). While there, he saw the Nawab (Muslim king) of the are walking towards him, with a sad demeanor. The Nawab had heard of his miracles and had come to him as a last resort. He stated that his young son had died from a poisonous snakebite and been buried in a tomb close by.

After hearing this, Rayaru contemplated silently for a few moments and then asked the king to take the body out of the tomb. When the puzzled Nawab did as he was asked, Rayaru sprinkled holy water from his kamanDala and prayed to his ArAdhya mUrthy (favorite form of the Lord). Lo behold, the young boy woke up as though he was getting up from sleep. The Nawab was beside himself with joy.

(Editor’s note:--> There are some very important points to note in this episode. Our shAstras talk about the concept of "Ayushya", defined as the total amount of time that a being is allowed to live on earth, in a particular body. Any death that happens before this time is untimely and is called "apamRutyu".

Our shAstras say that once "Ayushya" is over death cannot be prevented, since that is Divine Will. However, "apamRutyu" is a different aspect altogether. Life-histories of our saints and other great souls are replete with instances where they warded off untimely death in deserving cases. In this case, since the child had suffered apamRutyu, Rayaru used his divine powers to revive it.)

He did a similar thing in another instance. He was visiting the house of a village chieftain (called Desai). Hundreds of people had assembled for the occasion. As part of the food served to the guests, seekaraNe (a thick form of mango juice) was being prepared in a huge vessel. Unfortunately, when nobody was watching him, the Desai’s son fell into this vessel and drowned. When the Desai and his wife came to know about it, they were totally devastated. However, they wanted to hide the news because they did not want to inconvenience everybody who had assembled there.

Being an aparOxa gyani, Rayaru sensed the tragedy and asked the grief stricken couple to bring the dead boy before him. When this was done, he sprinkled water from his kamanDala and revived the boy. The joy of the ecstatic parents knew no bounds.

[The above is an extract from the material available at the website whose link for more reading is www.]

Saturday, October 8, 2011



Ever so very often each one of us is challenged at sometime or the other in one's professional calling.

Here it is a pleasure to share, what seemed to me a challenge when i first encountered it.

I was teaching a subject called,"Social Intelligence Skills", or otherwise commonly known as,"Soft Skills".

In the class of 60 odd students one of them was visually challenged.

One day during class, he shot a question at me saying,"Sir how can i improve my own speaking style?"

Whew! You could have heard even a pin drop in the room following the ensuing silence that came on.

It was tough to answer that!

Looking at him and the class , i asked him if he really wants me to tell him the response, he said,"yes sir".

Fine i said, and invited him to come to the front of the room.

Once there, i seated him on a chair and made him face the rest of the class.

Through gestures to the class i sought their silent cooperation.

To my young friend i said , would you like to take a small walk with me mentally.

He responded positively, though he was eager to know what that would mean?

I said, i am going to describe some scenes for you and i want you to imagine the scenes in the most powerful multidimensional theatre you have and that is in your brain. You are equipped with the most advanced audio-visual system.

Then i asked him if he was ready and willing to make the journey.

He responded positively and eagerly with a smile.I sensed his eagerness.

As i described scene after scene i was watching him , his face , his movements, his breathing.

The breathing was slow and rhythmic in a pattern.

His face had a smile never seen before .

His class mates watched him in delight though surprised.

Then i asked him to imagine he had his best friend sitting there on a bench in a lovely park.

his best friend wanted to chat with him. I said feel free to have a mental dialouge with your best friend and feel free if you wish to share aloud.
[Now dear reader we must rememeber that in india, even amongst males, there is a tendency to be reserved about some things. They may not share everything even if it means no harm to them]

So as he continued his mental dialouge he was having with his best friend. Then when i saw a change in his facial expressions, i intervened and said, Are you done , would you like to leave your friend now?

To this he said, "Yes", and as he was bidding a mental bye to his friend , i saw his facial expressions and his body language.

It was absolutely beautiful. It spoke of a young man who had found joy in knowing that he could actually talk with his best friend and seek his thoughts on improving himself.

As the exercise ended and i drew him slowly out of his wonder land where he had wandered so consciously, i softly told him ," Now do you believe for yourself that you can actually visualize for yourself the way you talk, your facial expressions and everything you wanted to know about yourself , which otherwise you felt you could not.

His simple response was,"Thank You Sir", it was beautiful , i enjoyed every moment of the talk i had.

His face spoke of relief and joy.

To me it was a challenge overcome, it was a moment of Truth, an "LOL"[Lesson of learning].

I now realized that i had it in me to coach even otherwise abled people.

Yes, this was a Gift of my Guru.Indeed!

Thank you,

yours sincerely,




First of all, energy pervades the atmosphere of this creation in the form of vibrations, as in sound waves, light waves, radio waves, and so on. The mind can especially be affected by the kind of energy or vibration it picks up or tunes into.

The function of the mind is twofold: it joins thoughts and concepts into theories and goals or desires, and it simplifies or interprets experiences that are gathered through the senses.

This is controlled by sound vibration or thought waves. For example, when you hear the following words, an image will form in your mind: dog, cat, insect, man, woman, politician, automobile, and sunset.

We can take the experiment a little further when we say, snarling dog, sleeping cat, biting insect, ugly old man, beautiful voluptuous woman, conniving politician, sleek automobile, and tranquil red sunset.

The second set of words may have brought images to your mind that were completely different than the first set. This is all due to sound which triggers the mind to react and form thoughts or images related to the words by interpreting past experiences.

Such thoughts and images may also form into goals or desires of what we want to attain or wish to avoid. When throughout our life we are bombarded by different kinds of sound waves, whether from schoolbooks in our early years, or to present day radio, television, and movies, our consciousness is led through particular changes and different levels of development. This might be controlled by others so that we act in a certain way according to someone else's design, whether we know it or not.

If you start listening to the radio all the time and all they play are songs about making love under the apple tree, you will not have to tell anyone what you will be thinking about.

It is not difficult to figure out. This is how we are controlled by sound.

Another example is that sometime we may be feeling peaceful and decide to spend a nice, quiet evening watching television.

After several hours of being exposed to all kinds of sound vibration in the form of game shows, cop shows, comedy, soap opera, news, and a multitude of advertising, we may wake up the next morning unrested, agitated, and disturbed without knowing why.

In this way, the kind of sound vibration we associate with can make a big difference on our consciousness.

This an extract from an article on,"The Effect of Sound and Words".

My independent thinking is summed up as,

It is not just what we say, but also how we say it,

It is not what we do, but also how we do?

This in turn awakens us to the reality that as resposnible alert individual humans, we need to be careful everytime in each and every interaction of ours not just with others , but also ourselves.

Many times, what we think or say or visualize , we actually beget.

Thank you,

Best wishes,




If individuals, families, societies, nations have to move forward and become a global village the paradigm must shift.

If we are to continue with educating the future citizens of tomorrow, the way we have been educated we would make them most unfit and ill-equipped for their tomorrow.

So what do we need to do?

Throw out the age old patterns, systems of education.

Change the way we look at things.

Bring about a transformation through a revolution if necessary.

Let us stop labelling. Let us get out and away from banding labels as a fashion.

Let us go back to our children, sit down with them, ask them meaningful and open questions like,

what they want to know, learn,

how would they like to learn,

what would they like to do by learning it in a particular way,

how does or how would it help them

and what do they want to do by learning a particular topic, subject- matter in a particular way.

Let us know from them what they have visualized as a result or what they seek from their preferred style, way, manner of learning.

Do we have the courage to do so?

For this we must get rid of the old and embrace the new.

First step should be to, Get Rid of the Negativity.

Can we as parents and all responsible stakeholders stop using negatives in our lives?

Can we stop saying, “Don’t run on the road”.

Can we try saying more often, “Walk on the pavement than running on the road”.

Can we stop saying, “Don’t forget to bring your lunch box home, Don’t forget to write what the teacher writes on the board.

Can we start trying to say, “My dear Remember to bring your lunch box back, Remember to write down what the teacher writes on the board”.

Can we begin using more positive strokes and positive reinforcing acts in speech and behaviour.

The result of this if practiced by all consciously would be far reaching and have deep impact on all human beings.

It is said that an average person receives about 4000 negative strokes or words or acts of behaviour, against an average of only 200 positive strokes or words or acts of behaviour on an average day.

Very simple, each one is invited to see and recall for oneself how many positive strokes have they received on any given day.

It is always the negative strokes are higher than the positive strokes.

This in turn gets reinforced in children who are forever receiving negative strokes and more than positive strokes.

These results in fear, mistrust or distrust uncertainty and even possibly tense moments for a child.

This continues and gets reinforced in school through disciplining and penal acts, regardless of how mild they are construed to be.

Imagine this manifesting itself in an adult and what do you have?

Do we have adult children who are positive, open and explorative by nature?

To the contrary and naturally we have adult children, who have behavioural issues, are tense, have speech concerns like stammering, and even on the verge of negative thinking.

So what should be done?

Shall we continue with the old tried and tested or opt out for a change as in a paradigm shift of being consciously interacting in and with positive ways and manners.

It is time we shed the old and embrace the new.

Let each one of us as responsible and caring stakeholders in the future of our children, start by addressing matters positively than negatively.

Let us encourage them to go out and seek on their own.

Yet let us always be there as their moment of support only for short spells, than firmly holding their hand and directing them where we want them to go.

What would be the outcome?

This will result in children who are free from, “Fear, Forthwith, Open, Trusting, Dynamic, Filled with Joy and Positive by themselves and in nature.

This would be the signal start to a better and new world.

This would mean education institutions and educators would be positive, open, dynamic, constantly thinking of doing better than continuing with the old and stale.

Let us awake!

Let us go forth!

You may like to watch,Ken Robinson says Schools Kill Creativity at

Thank you,

Best Wishes,




dehino ‘smin yatha dehe
kaumaram yauvanam jara
tatha dehantara-praptir
dhiras tatra na muhyati

“As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth, and then to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change.” (Bhagavad-gita 2.13)

I believe that, Death is the single Largest Life Changing Agent.

When you become aware of Impending Death regardless of the cause or grounds that lead to it, comes the realization that One should Avoid Wasting Life Living Someone Else’s Choices.

Avoid letting the Clutter and Clamour of Other People’s Opinions, Thoughts, Words from drowning Out Your Own Inner Voice.

Have and Keep Up the Courage Even in the Most Last Trying and Emotionally Disturbing Moments to follow Your Heart and Intuition.

Death is not the End.

It is the mere change of one form of energy into Another Form.

If one subscribes to theory of Reincarnation it could be accepted that Death is the passing over or Migration of the Soul or Energy in the present form or body into form or Body.

So Shed Your Grief, Rejoice in the Passage of the Energy from the present Known Form or Body into that of another Form or Body.

Yes Perform your Ritual acts and Ceremonies that you Subscribe to as per your religious calling.

However remember Spirituality has hardly any space for Rituals and Ceremonies.

Take Joy and Relish the Memories of the Physical Frame that is left behind.

Cherish the Good and Happy times spent with the one who has moved on.

Remember it is now only a Dead Lifeless Body or Physical Frame that is left behind to be either cremated or buried and thereby ensuring the return of even that physical frame to Nature.

Thus Death leaves nothing behind.

Krishna explains in the Bhagawad Gita that “as an embodied soul continually passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death” (2.13).

In each lifetime, each one does what he has to do, and if he does it selflessly, in love of me, without regard for gain or loss, he may come finally to rest in my perfection and be free of the cycles of action and death.Krishna to Arjuna in the Bhagawad Gita.

Even science says energy cannot be destroyed, it is just transformed; then how can the most energetic creature of the creation can finish to nothing at the time of death? It is simply not logical; we are born again and again and again. Only the form, shape may differ.

For some more reading, you may like to visit the following links,

Best wishes,



My Dear Reader,

Greetings of the day.

Indeed it is a pleasure to come back and add one's fresh thoughts.

This time i would like to share with you my thoughts on the caption.

I was moved to write on it after reading a great article about,"Incivility in the Class room by Dr. Christy Price". The links to her work are given at the end of this article.

To her 5 R's as given by her in her article, " Why Don't My Students Think I'm Groovy?: The New "R"s for Engaging Millennial Learners", i have added my own independent thoughts to her 5 R's.

They are:

Award-winning educator Dr. Christy Price believes that, the new Five R's to reach Generation Y are as given under. My tu pence is as added on after the arrow.

1) Relaxed learning environments--> It is of prime importance to, “Create a Relaxed Learning Environment. Hardly any Learning worth its name can take place if the environment is far from relaxed and more so if the learners themselves are anything but relaxed”.
2) Rationales for course goals, activities and grading. --> Establish rationales. This should be done early on into the programme. They should be simple, easy to understand, meaningful and the participant must be able to make and visualize the sense in them. Only when this is done will it become easy to devise activities and accord grades if they are at all to be given. In my independent thinking grading as a system should be done with.
3) Relevant material linked to students and their future.--> Learning material should be linked to each individual student’s future. It must make sense for the student to pursue. The student must be able to see the link between what he is studying and his chosen future, as he visualizes it for himself.
4) Research-based approaches. --> Here it is not just research based. It has to be search based. This means it needs to be meaningful, individual student’s future based.
5) Rapport and Relational opportunities with fellow students and professors.--> This is indeed very critical and meaningful. The facilitator must endeavour early on itself to establish a rapport with the participants and also with colleagues. Through this collective and cooperative based approach only will the programme and the delivery of the programme by all facilitators make sense and be a success.
It must be remembered that only when the team [here team refers to both participants and faculty as both are stakeholders in the drive] bonds well, will it pull together in unison for and towards success.
In case any faculty is weak in pulling his / her, own weight for any reason or on account of any ground whatsoever, it must be quickly covered by the others and the weak faculty given an opportunity to address it, through counselling, or even being given a time-out.
Adequate care must also be taken to ensure that the concerned facilitator is not castigated or made to feel hurt or impoverished on any account. In case this happens this would effect the morale of others slowly yet surely and thereby weaken the team, the cause, the efforts and the end result.
Perhaps it may be relevant say that over 90 % of the human souls are fractured souls in some way or the other. Sensitivity to others and sensitizing others is a critical area that could spell the difference between success and failure.
Thus this would enable and empower the faculty to return with zest and better, with stronger drives to deliver and make up lost ground.

So before you go away , i may add that i have written a mail to Dr. Christy Price. In my next mail to her i would seek her permission to publish my mail to her as it si now a matter betwixt 2 individuals. In case she accords the same , then i would publish the same.

The link to the article is:

With best wishes,
