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Friday, October 12, 2012

Suggested Ways of Reducing Chances - Suicide

A Suicide case besides affecting and impacting the attemptor also affects and impacts the near and dear ,along with the immediate social circle of the person attempting suicide.

However many a suicide case could be possibly prevented if and only if the warning signs are recognized and quick action is taken by those around .

Look - Out for the Warning Signs, which are;

  • Recent loss of a loved one (death or divorce).
  • Survivor of a previous suicide attempt.
  • Loss of prestige (could be loss of job or business).
  • Serious illness (chronic pain or exhaustion with no end in sight).
  • Exhaustion of resources - could be real or imaginary (money or credit lines).
  • Family history of suicide.
  • A close friend commits suicide.
  • Talking or writing about death/suicide.
  • Giving away personal possessions.
  • Change in behaviors/mood.
  • Falling grades.
  • Ending close relationships.
  • Crying a lot.
  • Not smiling as much.
  • Not showing expression when they normally would.
  • Expressing negative impressions when normally they wouldn't.
  • Talking about themselves negatively or harshly.
  • Not participating in regular activities.
  • Buying weapons, pills, etc.
  • Reading a lot about suicide.
Emotional :-_
  • Sense of personal failure.
  • Overwhelming sadness.
  • General lack of interest.
  • Feelings of hopelessness.
  • Guilt.
  • Withdrawal/isolation.
  • Feelings of being a burden to others.
  • "It's too late now."
  • "I can't go on."
  • "I have nothing to live for."
  • "I'm just so tired of life."
  • "No one cares about what happens to me."
  • "There is nothing left to do."
  • "What's the use."
  • "They won't have to deal with me."
  • "I'm at the end of my rope."
  • "They're better off without me."
  • "I just want the pain to stop."
  • "Nobody gets me."
  • "You just don't understand!"
So, if you happen to see any or more than the above warning signs in a person, remember you have to  help the person as best and as quicky as possible.

However be aware !
A Word of Caution!

Be careful in that every person with any of the above signs may not turn out to be a suicidal case.
It's not easy ! but remember for C LU E S:-

C ----> Connect - Make contact with the person. Actively demonstrate that you hear what is being said and understand that his or her pain is real.

 L ---->Listen - Listen very carefully. You don't have to have all the answers - just be there and let him or her know and feel that you care.

U -----> Understand - Don't tell him or her how s/he should feel or what s/he should do. Just express your desire to support and help understand what s/he is feeling. Reflect what is said back to the person.

E ----->Express Concerns - Let the person know that you are concerned and want to help.

S ----->Seek Help - The person's safety is the number one priority, and you might not be able to handle it on your own. Talk with the person about seeking help, either through a doctor (preferred, if you discover they have a plan, the means and the intention of carrying it out) or priest / spiritual person . Suicidal thoughts cannot be kept a secret.

Talk Frankly. One of the worst things for a person contemplating suicide is feeling that no one understands or cares about him or her. Such people are often extremely frustrated over talking with friends and family only to find that they are placated with statements like, "Oh, you'll feel better soon - this too shall pass."
Suicidal people feel like they've been trying to tell others how much pain they are in, but nobody hears them. The key to helping is to help this person stop feeling invisible. Though it seems counter-intuitive, saying, "Are you thinking of killing yourself now? Do you have a plan for doing it?" can bring tremendous relief to someone like this. They can feel that, at last, someone has heard them clearly. This is the Truth.

Assess Lethal Intent:-

If the person you are talking with confesses contemplating suicide right at that moment, and also says s/he has a plan in mind for doing it, you need to figure out how serious s/he is and get all the information you can so whatever help you send is the best it can be:
  • Ask: Does s/he have a weapon? Is it with him or her?
  • If it's pills, what kind? Where are those pills right now?
  • Has s/he thought about this before this moment? Recurring ideas about doing away with oneself point to a very serious threat
Ask the person to put the items s/he plans to use in another room while you're talking:-

 S/he may say, "Why? I can just go get them again." You say, "Right. So why not just put them away for the moment? You can go get that whenever you want. Right now, I need you to stay with me and focus on our conversation." This may sound harsh or blunt, but it is actually very effective.

First, it focuses the person on someone other than him or herself. Second, it is almost a direct command. If this person is in the same room, or on the phone with you at this stage, s/he sees you as a minor authority figure. Use that authority to get the person to follow your instructions, even if it's only for a moment.

Get a friend to help you:-

Having ideas (especially ones they have been entertaining awhile), a plan, and the means to commit suicide constitute a very serious, immediate danger, and you should seek help or friends assistance immediately.

If you're on the phone, it's best not to let this person know that's what you're doing though. Ideally, you will have a friend on your end who can quietly go and make the calls to send help to the suicidal person while you stay on the line and try to console or otherwise at least delay the person until help arrives.

If you are alone, try to use another phone, if possible, to text someone and get them to help. If you are physically with the suicidal person, it's a little easier, because suicides rarely happen with someone else present.

Staying with the person until s/he sleeps or calms down some is recommended. never tell them how good their life is. because that will hurt them more. tell them that you are there for them so that way they will open up to you and tell you everything.

Now Remember , that the best most economical , yet humane way of helping is through ;

Tender Loving Care[TLC]:-

Human beings are sensitive, we sadly are unable to make out who is sensitive and to what extent or degree. Possibly by the time we do even think we know or begin to relaize it may be too late.
Human Relationships are fragile. Be careful in interacting with others. This means one should be soft yet firm in speech, where one is interacting with others when in positions of authority either within or outside the home, office, or anywhere.

Stop Playing with People's Emotions, Expectations:-

Be clear , gentle, mean what you say in your speech.

Live up your speech or what you say with your actions.

Avoid giving false promises to others.

Know your Limitations; whether Emotional, Social, Physical, Personal, Social, Official.

Learn and Practice Effective and Complete Communication. 

Many an avoidable situation has come about simply because the communciation was incomplete and ineffective. 

Remember , " a few words are better than a shroud of silence and avoidable looks or bodylanguage".

Amongst relations as far as possible always use the touch ; either the hug or the pat. It means a lot and evokes feelings of; being there , cared for, love and trust.

So now that you have  read my bit here , go ahead , write in your comments , practice what you like here , yet affirm to yourself to help avoid suicidals.



Reasons why People commit Suicide

I am not obsessed with Suicide.
My effort in putting ou these posts is for people to read , to gain information , be alert  and  be better equipped to interract or intervene when face to face with suicidals.
So What are , or What could be the Reasons for People Attempting Suicide?
It could be any of those cited below;
  • They’re depressed.
  • They’re psychotic.
  • They’re impulsive.
  • They’re crying out for help, and don’t know how else to get it.
  • They have a philosophical desire to die.
  • They’ve made a mistake.
87% of persons committing suicide were diagnosable with a mental disorder based on history from their friends and family following their death.
The factors correlated with suicide risk, include drug addiction, availability of a means to commit the act, family history of suicide, or previous head injury.
Socio-economic factors such as unemployment, poverty, homelessness, and discrimination may trigger suicidal thoughts. Poverty may not be a direct cause, but impoverished individuals are a major risk group for depression, itself a risk factor for suicide.Recent research shows that, controlling for own income and individual characteristics, individual suicide risk rises with others’ income.A history of childhood physical or sexual abuse or time spent in foster care is also a risk factor.
Hopelessness:-The feeling that there is no prospect of improvement in one's situation---is a strong indicator of suicide.
Perceived burdensomeness:- The feeling or thought that is one a burden on another, coupled with other sensitive points is a strong risk factor.
Feelings of loneliness:-
A lack of social support, a deficit in feelings of belongingness and living alone are or could be crucial predictors of a suicide attempt.
People who feel or find themselves as socially cut-off or isolate themselves either totally or by maintaining only the least and unavoidable social contact are yet a major risk factor group.
Substance Abuse:-
Substance abuse is the second most common risk factor for suicide after major depression and bipolar disorder.Both chronic substance misuse as well as acute substance abuse are associated with suicide.This is attributed to the intoxicating, disinhibiting, and dissociative effects of many psychoactive substances. Substance Abuse could be ; Alcohol , Benzodiazepines, Cigarettes, Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Opioids [ Drugs like Heroin, Opium, etc] .
Medical conditions:-
Sleep disturbances such as insomnia, sleep apnea.
50% of individuals with a serious mental illness "have general medical conditions that are largely undiagnosed and untreated and may cause or exacerbate psychiatric symptoms."
Sometimes ailments which may or may not be life threateneing , yet that are perceieved by a sensitive patient as socially avoidable, could bea major risk factor.
Mental disorders:-

Certain mental disorders are often present at the time of suicide.
  • mood disorders.
  • substance abuse
  • schizophrenia.
  • personality disorders.
Major depression and alcoholism are the specific disorders most strongly correlated with suicide risk. Risk is greatest during the early stages of illness among people with mood disorders, such as major depression or bipolar disorder
Depression is among the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorders. Within the next twenty years, depression is expected to become the leading cause of disability in the nation and possibly the second largest cause of disability.
While the psychological and medical communities no longer classify acts of self-harm as suicide attempts, recent research has indicated that the presence of self-injurious behavior may be correlated to increased suicide risk.While there is a correlation between self-harm and suicide, it is not believed to be causal; both are most likely a joint effect of depression.
This may also be classified as deliberate self-harm and is most common in younger people, but has been increasing in recent years in people of all ages.
Most people who attempt suicide do not complete the act on their first attempt. However, a history of suicide attempts is correlated with increased risk of eventual completion of a suicide.
Some mental disorders identified as risk factors for suicide often may have an underlying biological basis.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor;
Dysregulation of Brain Deprived Neutrophotic Factor[BDNF] functioning has been shown to be a possible factor in several mood disorders associated with suicidal behavior, including major depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance use disorders and it could also be an independent factor for suicide.
There is evidence that there may be an underlying neurobiological basis for suicide risk independent of the inheritable genetic factors responsible for the major psychiatric disorders associated with suicide. Having a parent / relation who has committed , or attempted suicide is a strong predictor of suicide attempts.
Problem gambling:- Early onset of problem gambling increases the lifetime risk of suicide.
Media coverage:-
Studies have suggested that how the media presents depictions of suicide may have a negative effect and trigger the possibility of suicide contagion also known as the Werther effect.The risk is greater in adoloescents who may romantacize death. It appears that while news media has a significant effect, that of entertainment media is equivocal.
Suicide prevention is a term used for the collective efforts to reduce the incidence of suicide through preventive measures. Various strategies restrict access to the most common methods of suicide, such as firearms or toxic substances like pesticides, and have proved to be effective in reducing suicide rates. Adequate prevention, diagnosis and treatment of depression and alcohol and substance abuse can reduce suicide rates, as does follow-up contact with those who have made a suicide attempt.
to detect those at risk of suicide may be one of the most effective means of preventing suicide in children and adolescents.various screening tools in the form of self-report questionnaires to help identify those at risk. however, a high rate of false-positive identification and those deemed to be at risk should ideally have a follow-up clinical interview.
Treatment of mental illnessThere are various treatment modalities to reduce the risk of suicide by addressing the underlying conditions causing suicidal ideation, including, depending on case history, medical,pharmacological, and psychotherapeutic talk therapies.
The conservative estimate is that 10% of individuals with psychiatric disorders may have an undiagnosed medical condition causing their symptoms,upwards of 50% may have an undiagnosed medical condition which if not causing is exacerbating their psychiatric symptoms. Illegal drugs and prescribed medications may also produce psychiatric symptoms/ Effective diagnosis and if necessary medical testing which may include neuroimaging to diagnose and treat any such medical conditions or medication side effects may reduce the risk of suicidal ideation as a result of psychiatric symptoms, most often including depression, which are present in up to 90-95% of cases.

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) reported varying degrees of clinical effectiveness in reducing suicidality. Benefits include a reduction in self-harm behaviours and suicidal ideations.Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Suicide Prevention (CBT-SP) is a form of DBT adapted for adolescents at high risk for repeated suicide attempts

Monday, October 1, 2012

Teachings of Guru Shri Raghavendra Swamy & His Final Address to His Devotees.

Teachings of Shri Guru Raghavendra Swamy;

v Always Show and Have Respect to Your Mother, Father, Guru, Elders.
v Shastras have all the answers to day to day life’s difficulties and challenges.
v Shastraic way of life is the royal road to peace, prosperity and happiness.
v Without right living, right thinking will never happen.
v In short our life itself is worship.
v Every action is a puja.
v This life is precious.
v Not even a second that has gone will come back.
v Listening to the right shastras and always remembering Him is the highest duty, without which, life becomes meaningless.
v Have devotion to the Lord.
v Accepting the Lord's supremacy wholeheartedly is true devotion.
v Live with peace and harmony.
v Be kind and courteous to others feelings and ideas.
v Do not hurt the feelings of others.
v Don’t be proud, be away from egoism.
v Think about others, act softly, be selfless, polite and kind.
v Repentance feeling one should have whenever one does some mistakes.
v We are all the servants of Sri Hari.
v Always speak the truth.
v Universal Affection and Love for Fellow Creatures one should have in his life.
v Respect and regard the elders Stottamaru and Swaottamaru.
v Though I will not be with you in person my presence will be in my works and in my brindavan.
v You can serve me best by listening to, studying, preserving and propagating my works.
v Now I take leave of you.
v My blessings to you."
v “Raghavendra Gururayarasevisiro…Sowkyathijeevisiro”

Dear Devotees the day has come that I have to disappear from your sight. From tomorrow you cannot see me like this.

At the same time I am not giving up my body (Deha Tyaaga), I will not be away from my body and at the same time I am obeying the Sankalpa of Sri Hari and the prerana of Sri Vayudevaru, so entering the Brindavana today Sa Shareera and stay there for seven hundred years to Bless the Devotees of the world.

As per the order of Sri Hari and Sri Vayudevaru and the opinion of the great Yatis to whom I respect and regard them as guru.

They will be always blessing me while sitting in the Brindavana.

Do not feel sorry that I am disappearing from your vision.
As per the sankalpa of Sri Hari and the blessings of Praanadevaru I will be quite comfortable in the Neela Brindavana.

Devotees I assure you that Sri Hari is too kind towards me that Sri Hari will take care of me in the Neela Brindavana when I will be inside with yoga. Do not feel agony.

I am with you always here in Mantralaya.
Whenever you call me I will immediately listen and solve your problems whether it is small or big.

The Brindavana stones are very sacred and most holy.

My successor Sri Yogeendrateertharu will look after the Mutt, Vidya Mutt and the same tradition of Paatha Pravachana, Grantha Rachana, Bhakta’s Uddhaara will be continued.
You all have to obey him as you were regarding and respecting towards me.

The Punya will be distributed to the devotees by the Anugraha of Sri Hari.

Do not feel sorry for my absence.

I will be in Mantralaya Neela Brindavana.

Sri Narasimhadevaru, Rama, Krishna, Vedavyasadevaru, Jeevottama Vayudevaru’s have ordered me to stay at this Brindavana in the Mantralaya for the uddhaara of the devotees. Mantralaya will be the most sacred place Pavitra Yaatra Sthhala

Devotees will acquire all the required chaturvidha purushaartha.

Not only Indian devotees, but also the devotees of the world who are living across the sea.
My Sri Hari is sarvaswa for me, Sri Hari has provided broad outlook, universal affection to all.

Devotees respect and regard the Vedas, Upanishads, Geeta, Brahma sutra and the philosophy of our Sri Sri Madhwaacharyaru.

Our Culture, universal mankind always throbs for the welfare of all the chetanas, jeevas as per their ability and nature.

We have to worship SriManNarayana.He is the only God who can free from all these births and deaths and impart Moksha to us:


Our divine shruti says this; Sri Hari is the only God to bestow permanent happiness i. e. Moksha.

Sri Hari has to Bless all of us, so I am entering Brindavana sitting with padmaasana in the japa of Sri Hari always.
So I am concluding my avatara today on this shraavana bahula bidige.

From this day onwards till seven hundred years I will be in the Brindavana as per the adesha of Sri Hari.
The accumulated punya and the punya acquired in the japa in the Brindavana is completely reserved for all the devotees of the world, irrespective of caste, creed, religion and nation.

Dear Devotees, please do not have hatred towards other religions and sects.

Other caste people they may offer the Naivedya in their own way and style.
But our Sri Hari will accept the things which are dear to him in his own form of purity and sanctity.

Sri Hari is the only God who can impart Moksha to the able jeevas.
Shruti is describing that Sarvottama Sri Hari Narayana is the only God to relieve us from all the sorrows and miseries and take us to Permanent happiness i. e. Moksha:

Narayanosow Paramo Vichintyaha Mumkshubhihi KarmaPaashad Mushmaat.

Devotees in order to fulfil the will and the Desire of Sri Hari, today I am concluding my avatara and stay in the Brindavana for seven hundred years and always engage myself in the Japa of Sri Hari.

For this noble task I am entering Brindavana Sa Shareera.

As per the Manudharma love and respect your own religious formalities and the traditions with unalterable faith and devotion

Live with peace and harmony.

Be kind and courteous to others feelings and ideas.

Do not hurt the feelings of others.
Don’t be proud, be away from egoism.

Think about others act softly, be selfless, polite and kind.

We are all the servants of Sri Hari.
Always speak the truth.

Universal Affection and Love for Fellow Creatures one should have in his life.

Respect and regard the elders Stottamaru and Swaottamaru.
Repentance feeling one should have whenever he does some mistakes.

Be kind towards all the living animals, creatures, maintain good character and always be in touch of noble philosophy of Sri Madhwacharya which inculcates the real values of life and become a reader of Sadgranthas.

Though I enter Brindavana the Granthas of Sri Madacharya,The Teekas of Malkheda Sri Jaiteertharu and the granthas composed by me are all here, read them, follow them and act accordingly.

Dear Devotees today I wish to say that Strong faith belief and devotion towards Sri Hari is the only way to liberate from all the sorrows and worries.

Sri Hari is the only omnipotent and omniscient who can impart Chaturvidha Purushaartha to us.


Samaayaat Samaayaat Purushaarthhino Janaaha SamaashrayadhvamasmachreeHrutpadmasthalam Ramaapatim

Devotees you are all desirous of Dharma Artha Kaama Moksha, So pray him,worship him, Ramaapati Laxmipati Sri ManNarayana is in my heart.

You will really acquire all the good things in your lifetime.



Saying So, Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu with great concern and affection addressed in Mantralaya to the gathered mass on that day of Shraavana Bahula Dwiteeya. With smile raised his hands towards the devotees Blessed and gave Abhaya to all.

Then Rayaru climbed the steps of Garbhaalaya one by one while entering the 6x6 square Antarguha, Rayaru holding the hand to Sri Yogeendrateertharu, bade farewell with a smile. On the already spread out krishnajina, sat in Padmaasana with Danda Kamandalu and Japamaala.
For that moment there are no words to describe shining face of Rayaru with Divine Bliss.

Completely involved in the world of Sri MoolaRama, Narahari, Rama, Krishna and Vedavyasa and engaged in the JAPA: OM OM OM OM OM OM holding the Japamaala in the hand.
 All took the Divya Darshana of Gururayaru for the last time.
The Omkaara filled the whole universe at that time. Devotees with emotion cried with loud voice:

From now on wards we cannot see you, you will be in this Brindavana, this is your last Darshana:


The Divine Pontiff Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu disappeared from our sight, became permanent in the Brindavana of Siddhi Kshetra Mantralaya.

“Bichali Sri Appanacharya Priya Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurubhyo Namaha”.
                                                 HARI OM