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Thursday, May 15, 2008

7 Laws of Salem.

KURT HAHN's SUGGESTIONS . - Seven Laws of Salem - Kurt Hahn James Neill.

* Give children the opportunity for self-discovery.
[Give them a chance to discover themselves.]

* Make the children meet with triumph and defeat.
[See to it that they experience both success and defeat.]

* Give the children the opportunity of self-effacement in the common cause.
[See to it that they have the chance to forget themselves in the pursuit of a common cause.]

* Provide periods of silence.
[See to it that there are periods of silence.]

* Train the imagination.
[Train the imagination, the ability to participate and plan.]

* Make games important but not predominant.
[Take sports and games seriously, but only as part of the whole.]

* Free the sons of the wealthy and powerful from the enervating sense of privilege.

[Free them of the rich and influential parents and from the paralysing influence of wealth and privelege.]

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