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Saturday, May 17, 2008


Here below is a brief history of Psychology.
It might Interest some of you dear readers;

* 1530:- PHLILP MELANCHTON used the term,"PSYCHOLOGY".

* 1850:- E.H.WEBER measured Sensory Experiences.

* 1860:- G.T.FETCHNER proposed,"Psychophysics".

* 1875:- WILLIAM JAMES introduced,"Experimental Psychology".

* 1879:- WILHELM WUNDT established 1st Psychological Laboratory at Leipzeig,Germany.

* 1880:- STRUCTURALIST model formulated.

* 1883:- 1st American Psychology Lab established at John Hopkins University.

* 1886:- JOHN DEWEY published 1st Psychology Book in U.S.A.

* 1890:- WILLIAM JAMES published,"Prinicples of Psychology".

* 1892:- American Psychological Association (A.P.A) Founded.

* 1892:- SIR FRANCIS GALTON introduced individual differences and Statiscal Methods

* 1895:- R.B.CATTELL measured Vision,Hearing and Memory.

* 1895:- FUNCTIONALIST model was formulated.

* 1898:- E.B.TITCHNER introduced,"Introspection".

* 1900:- SIGMUND FREUD published,"Interpretation Of Dreams".

* 1906:- IVAN PAVLOV introduced,"Classical Conditioning".

* 1912:- MAX WERTHIEMER advocated,"Gestalt Psychology".

* 1913:- J.B.WATSON introduced," Behaviouristic View".

* 1914:- CARL JUNG breaks with Freud.

* 1920:- STRONG emphazied,"Intelligence Testing".

* 1924:- J.B. WTSON published,"Behaviourism".

* 1930:- JEAN PIAGET introduced,"Developmental Psychology".

* 1953:- B.F.SKINNER published,"Science and Human Behaviour".

* 1954:- ABRAHAM MASLOW published,"Motivation and Personality."

* 1957:- LEON FESTINGER introduced,"Cognitive Dissonance."

* 1968:- ATKINSON and SHIFFRIN introduced,"Influential Model of Memory."

* 1969:- Arguments regarding Genitical basis of I.Q. started.

* 1980:- JEAN PIAGET published," Developmental Aspects in Human Beings."

* 1985:- Increased emphasis on,"COGNITIVE PERSPECTIVE."

* 1990:- RUVER BARON:- coined,"Emotional Intelligence."

* 1994:- DANIEL COLEMAN:- popularized,"Emotional Intelligence."

* 2000 and Beyond:- Emphasis on,"Multiculturalism and Diversity."

So 'm confident that this would help some of you in your understanding the development of Psychology as a science that is to be practised artfully (especially students of Psychology).

This is owing to the fact that we are interacting with living human beings & Human Behaviour is subject to many factors.

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