The doorstep to the temple of Knowledge & Wisdom is the Acceptance of Our Own Ignorance -
This a line that appears on my organization's website in the home page.
Indeed this is the truth,the base of all;Learning,Sharing of Knowledge & Wisdom.
How many of us would earnestly be able to cross their hearts & affirm their beleif in the above words.
Infact many if not the majority of our fellow brethren would shy away from it if not being far from it.
One needs to understand & accept that for any Effective Learning to occur - one needs to be honest yet earnest, in as much as one needs to be disciplined in one's humility & faith/confidence & belief.
It is a pleasure to share a true incident on the above lines as;
"A student monk once appeared before a Great Master & said
"I wish to learn.Will you teach me"?
"I do not think that you know how to learn", said the Master.
"Can you teach me how to learn"?
"Can you learn how to let me teach"?
To his bewildered disciples the Master later said:-"Teaching only takes place when Learning does.
Learning only takes place when You Teach something to Yourself:"
Or in simpler words...You can take a horse to the water......... but cannot make it drink!
We also have the fact that,'The Teacher Appears only when the Student is Ready'.
My belief & practice of the same is best seen in my programmes & interactions.
Your comments/ thoughts as a response are welcome.
With best wishes,
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