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Friday, May 23, 2008


After posting the last post,i felt this writing of mine had for too long been dormant in me.So the flow-

It was Swami Vivekananda who once said,"As long as even a dog goes hungry in my beloved country,i shall consider all the education of my fellow people a waste."

It is indeed ,'A Sheer Waste.'

Today we have many engineers, doctors, lawyers, software professionals & more can added to the list of different types of professionals.

However they are all under the category of literate lot.

How many of today's youth are fired with the zeal, the fire within to start something on their own & create opportunities for a livelihood for their less fortunate fellow country menn.

A common sight that one sees is all the engineers want to get into a software company or a B.P.O. or a job that can give them a good salary & a comfortable work schedule.

Today even the 10th & 12th standard youth are picked up & get jobs in a B.P.O or a Call Center. If you can speak a few sentences in English then you are picked up, trained & put on the job.

Even the accent is taught.

Nothing wrong with this one would like to say. Sure, there is nothing wrong with it, however has anyone paused & thought of what is this leading to?

As a nation are we getting to be a nation of keyboard fluent people with a scarce usage of our cognitive abilities. Is this what our parents toiled for? Is this what our forefathers fought & sought Independence for?
Then we were better of as a colony of some crown.

Are we sure of this being what we need? Let me stay away from the nuances & definitions & classification of Needs, Wants & Desires. I willingly leave that to the pundits of Economics,Marketing & Management.

The objective of this note is not to digress.
It is to highlight the one fact that if even a 100 out of every 500 grads decide to start their own entreprise,then we would have taken the first steps in being a Globally Able Power.

What we need is a sincere determined relentless effort from our youth with the fire, zeal, burning desire & unending ambition to build, create & own a small unit of theirs. This will help many others be productive & generate employment.

In its train this will bring with it the ability of all my fellow Indians & India -our country to be capable of taking on the mightiest of all. We will stand able, capable, free & strong as a nation on the world platform.

A word of caution that goes out is that,'at no point is there an underestimation or derecognition of our present achievements & position'.

Let this be a,Clarion Call,to my fellow indians especially the Youth of India to pause, check themselves & be really deserving of called,'Educated'.

There are many in the corporate world who want to get out & do something for themselves & through their work for their fellow beings.

To them my my message is,'If You Strongly Sense & Feel the Need within You, then Take that Call Now, Do It Now'.

For if you remain fom taking that Call now, then You would never take it. You would always have the regret, the disatisfied feeling within you of having stopped from doing something on Your own

For myself - i can cross my heart like a true boy scout & say that,'i Have Taken the Call, Made My Decision to be Independent, Start Something on my own, Create my own Orgnization & thereby enable others.

Dear Reader, What about You? Where are You? How Long will it take You? Can You Go for It? Do You Want to Go for It.... Then Go for It.

Remember... Visionaries lay down & create paths for others to follow on.

Visionaries are Powerful People in themselves. It is not the physical that one is addressing here,- the internal .... mental, spiritual strength of the Soul that i am addressing here.

Creators, Visionaries are self - disciplined people.

The others have disciplined enforced on them.

So Take Your Call Now, Make That Decision Now!

Next Post.... What is the Call i took? When did i take the Call? What made me take the Call? Where am I today? What is my Contribution?

1 comment:

MBA Student said...

It is really inspiring and I have already taken that call.

Thank you a lot for stopping by my blog and commenting on it.

I had written that blog a long time back, a few days after I had launched the website. However, now I have learned a lot.

Your inspiration and comments will keep driving me to achieve my goals.

Rashmi Ranjan Padhy