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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Reflect on these Questions in silence:-

Who am I ?  

What do I want? 
What am I grateful for?   
What is my purpose I'm life?
Your life is filled with light . 
You're a lighthouse to the world. 
Let your light shine.
When you are busy looking over your shoulder,  you loose sight of yourself.
Discernment:- the ability if your feeling body to know the truth about any situation.
There are three things in life that should never be broken; promises, friendships,  hearts.
The quality of the answers is always determined by the quality of our questions.
Discipline doesn't  break a child's spirit half as often as the lack of it breaks a parent's heart.
Let your experiences help build your dreams not hinder them.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from medicore minds.
No man ever steps in the same river twice for its not the same river and he's not the same man.
No / poor thinking  is what really kills you.
My past is my past. I have made my mistakes  but l have learnt from them.
Integrity is the result of trust in one's life.
A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment

​If ​
you trust you will be disappointed occasionally, but if you mistrust you will be miserable all the time.-Abe. If you're certain that you are right then there is no need to yell about it. When hungry eat your rice; when tired close your eyes. Fools may laugh at me but wise men will know what I mean. Like so many things it is not what is outside,but what is inside that counts. Measure success in terms of the contribution one makes to his or her fellow human beings. Business opportunities are like buses there's always another one coming. Coming to rest in the present wherever we are, becomes the seat of awakening. We are now truly alive able to work to care to love.... When you try to control someone else's life it's because you have very little of your own. You cannot simply truly without integrity. Follow your dreams. They know the way. Don't you know yet? It's your light that lights the world. Success will not lower it's standard to us. We must raise our standards to Success. Some people dream of success while others wake up & work hard for it.

Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world.It beats money,power & influence- Henry Chester. Success is about reaching ones goals without losing one's soul & measured by the good one can contribute to the world. I don't need anyone who doesn't need me. Don't give up just because things are hard. Not everyone around you is your friend. Put passion into your pocket when you argue. Why is my reflection someone I don't know! ? Passion is a strong desire, hunger is something you can't live without . Find your hunger for life. To be in a state of love is merely to be in a state of perceptual anesthesia. Don't worry about the failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try. When you discover the power of choice you give up being the victim. With constant focus determination, persistence & action you can achieve any goal. You'll never understand until it happens to you. Find someone who can see your worth, so they can change your life. Lastly I do vow; that mine eyes desire you of all things- Catherine of Aragon. Improve your day by consciously appreciating what you have ,instead of coveting what is lacking. Why pursue happiness when you can create it !

Endurance is fostered when inner constancy is coupled with external flexibility. 
Long distance runners must adapt to rapidly changing conditions,  while maintaining an inner determination & strength of purpose. 
Two trees growing near each other adapt to enhance  each others survival. 
A strong image of  durability is a stable marriage of Intimate partners striking  a dynamic balance between involvement in the outside  world & nourishment in the home. 
True endurance is not based on rigidity, for endurance implies movement, not immobilisation. 
Only by adapting to change can we stay in the race; but only by deepening our sense of purpose  can we develop the fortitude to win it.
Everybody starts caring when it's too late. The wise ones will always admire you whilst the foolish will envy you. You cannot climb the ladder of success dressed in the costume of failure -zig zagler. Don't judge me by my past. I don't live there anymore. Be kind whenever possible . It is always possible. When liberty becomes license dictator is near. Sex is like having dinner. Sometimes you joke about the dishes sometimes you take the meal seriously -Woody Allen . Life is not tied with a bow but still is a gift. Personal transformation is not sudden but a pattern of small shifts in the right direction. Children are happy because they don't have a file in their minds called,"All the things that could go wrong". Gratitude is a choice ; Happiness is an attitude. Life is about balance. Be kind but don't let people abuse you. Trust but don't be deceived. Be content but never stop improving yourself. Arrogance is the camouflage of insecurity. Instead of running towards our dreams, we are often running away from a fear of failure or a fear of criticism

Never give up & always be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. Love will find its way thru all languages on its own What information you choose to take on can have profound effects on your life. I will achieve success because I will never settle for anything less. You yourself are your own obstacle.

Rise above yourself.

Impossible is not a fact,  just an opinion.
Opportunity quietly surrounds you.
Information & knowledge are within your reach.
Prosperity knocks silently at your door.
Victory mysteriously awaits you.
Subtle & elusive as it may seem there  is no scarcity of success. 
Success is available to all of us.
The only real problem is how we choose to  respond to the unlimited abundance that is ours for the taking.
Do we accept or reject it? 
Do we allow or resist it?
Do we demand or dismiss it?
Do we take it in or turn it away? 

Ask yourself ;
How do you see the world?
How do you see yourself in the world? 
How do you see your near&dear ones?
How do you see your relationship with the world? 
How do you see your relationship with your near & dear ones?
Who counts the most? 
How is the relationship? 
Do you see opportunities in your relationship with the world? 
Do you believe it is yours for the taking? 
Do you  feel worthy of success? 
Do you feel deserving? 
Are you asking for it?
Are you looking for it?
Are you  listening for it?
Are you open to it?
Are you allowing it to manifest in your life &  your presence?
Have you qualified yourself that you don't deserve it for one reason or the other?
Are you siezing the opportunity to advance yourself & the world in a mutually beneficial way or are you putting it off for another day?
Are you expecting success or suspecting it?
Are you even aware that the choice is up to you? 
Take ownership & responsibility for your  outcomes.
Take a good honest look in the mirror at yourself !
Take the time to reflect on who u r & what u r capable of? 
Take a realistic measure of your current state- the good ,the bad and the ugly. 
Take advice from wise counsel & pay heed to it.
Take a chance!
Take action !
Take another look at your life and your results. 
Kneel  in humility & give thanks for what you have & what you are !!
Start Now , Start Immediately  !!
Why make excuses that limit us?
Why rationalise our undesirable results &restrict ourselves ?
What are you waiting for? 
Sieze the moment the opportunity !
It is all about energy !
It is all about the flow !
It is about Movement & Motivation , it is about Insight and Inspiration !!!!!

How we think shows through in how we act.

Attitudes are mirrors of the mind. They reflect our thinking !

Your opportunity may be  closer than you think !

Cinderella remained ever gentle and kind , for with each daw she found new hope that someday her hope of happiness would come true. 

We simply can't transform someone into someone they are not. The sooner we realize  this the happier we  will be.

Fight daily battles in good faith. Have compassion & Love. Lend a helping hand.

What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. 

Optimism  is the only quality more associated with success & happiness than any other.

One of the best lessons you can learn in life is patience. In business or life  If your emotions  say, now ,  your head needs to say later.

Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of knowing that u did ur best to become the best that u r capable of being. 

The main difference between man & animal isn't the ability of thought but of imagination. 

To be happy you must let go of what is gone , be grateful for what remains, look forward to what's to come next. 

There's a difference between thinking - someone's cute - having a crush - being interested - liking someone - loving someone - being in love. 

Knowledge is limited , whereas imagination embraces the entire world , stimulating progress , giving birth to evolution

Growing resentment in a relationship is possible,
but it's only a problem if you refuse to make any changes.

Distance between two people is often created by an unwillingness to compromise.

I don't trust words ; i trust actions. Everything ultimately comes down to trust.. Better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie. A dream is a wish your heart makes Without trust nothing is possible, with it nothing is impossible Respect ,Trust & Love are the 3 most important aspects of any relationships Love is an Act of endless Forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit. The best and most beautiful things in the world can't be even seen or touched. They must be felt with the heart. A candle looses nothing by lighting another candle. Don't depend too much on anyone in this world because even your shadow will leave you when you are in darkness. Imagination is more important than knowledge - A.Einstein. Raise your words not voice. It's rain that grows flowers not thunder- Rumi Love is the bridge between you and everything- Rumi Listen to the sound of waves within you.- Rumi Beauty might catch your attention, but character catches your heart Asking for help is a sign for strength & opens you up to greater influence. Try not to be a man of success but a man of value.- Albert Einstein. Truth suffers from too much analysis. Success is about the difference you make in people's lives

H M V - His Masters Voice.

His Masters Voice (HMV) had once published a pamphlet giving the history of gramophone record. Gramophone was invented by Thomas Alva Edison in the 19th century. Edison, who had invented many other gadgets like electric light and the motion picture camera, had become a legend even in his own time. When he invented the gramophone record, which could record human voice for posterity, he wanted to record the voice of an eminent scholar on his first piece. For that he chose Prof. Max Muller of England, another great personality of the 19th century. He wrote to Max Muller saying; “I want to meet you and record your voice. When should I come?” Max Muller who had great respect for Edison asked him to come on a suitable time when most of the scholars of the Europe would be gathering in England. Accordingly, Edison took a ship and went to England. He was introduced to the audience. All cheered Edison’s presence. Later at the request of Edison, Max Muller came on the stage and spoke in front of the instrument. Then Edison went back to his laboratory and by afternoon came back with a disc. He played the gramophone disc from his instrument. The audience was thrilled to hear the voice of Max Muller from the instrument. They were glad that voices of great persons like Max Muller could be stored for the benefit of posterity. After several rounds of applause and congratulations to Thomas Edison, Max Muller came to the stage and addressed the scholars and asked them, “You heard my original voice in the morning. Then you heard the same voice coming out from this instrument in the afternoon. Do you understand what I said in the morning or what you heard in the afternoon?” The audience fell silent because they could not understand the language in which Max Muller had spoken. It was ‘Greek and Latin’ to them as they say.

But had it been Greek or Latin, they would have definitely understood because they were from various parts of Europe.
It was in a language which the European scholars had never heard.
Max Muller then explained what he had spoken.
He said that the language he spoke was Sanskrit and it was the first sloka of Rig Veda, which says “Agni Meele Purohitam”
This was the first recorded public version on the gramophone plate.
अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देवं रत्वीजम।
होतारं रत्नधातमम।।
(Rig Veda 1.001.01)
Why did Max Muller choose this? 
Addressing the audience he said,
“Vedas are the oldest text of the human race. And “Agni Meele Purohitam” is the first verse of Rig Veda.
In the most primordial time, when the people did not know how even to cover their bodies and lived by hunting and housed in caves, Indians had attained high civilization and they gave the world universal philosophies in the form of the Vedas”
When “Agni Meele Purohitam” was replayed, the entire audience stood up in silence as a mark of respect.
The verse means :-

“Oh Agni, You who gleam in the darkness, to You we come day by day, with devotion and bearing homage. 
So be of easy access to us, Agni, as a father to his son, abide with us.
Karna is Greater than Yudhishtara ? !

Arjuna once asked Krishna, " Lord, why do people consider Karna more generous than Yudhistara? Neither have ever refused whatever has been asked for nor whoever has asked. So why is Karna considered greater than Yudhistara?"

The Lord said with a smile, "Come, I'll show you why."

Disguised as brahmins, they first went to Yudhishtira's court and asked for sandalwood sticks to conduct 'yagna'. 
The king immediately sent his soldiers to all parts of his Kingdom in search of sandalwood sticks. 
It was monsoon, the trees were all drenched and the soldiers returned with wet sandalwood pieces. 
Yagna was not possible with the wet sticks.
Krishna and Arjuna proceeded to Karna's court next and asked for the same sticks. 
Karna thought for a while and said " as it's raining for several days now, it will be impossible to collect dry sandalwood sticks. 
But there is a way. Please wait for a while."
Saying this, Karna proceeded to chop and cut down the doors and windows of the court which were made of sandalwood and after making them into pieces, gifted the dry sandalwood sticks to the brahmins to conduct,'yagna'.
They accepted the offerings and went back. 

On their way back, Krishna asked Arjuna "do you realise the difference between the two, Arjuna? 
Had we asked Yudhishtira to give his doors and windows for us to conduct yagna, he would have given us without a second thought. 
But he did not think of it himself. 
We did not ask Karna either. 
Yudhishtira gave because that was his dharma. 
Karna gave because he loves to give. 
This is the difference between the two and that is why Karna is considered greater. 

Lesson of Learning / Moment of Truth :-

** Whatever work you do becomes nobler when you do it with love."
** We can work with different attitudes.  
Someone asked you to do a job, do you do it as a duty ,or, as your dharma ,or, as Karna did, out of love for doing the job. 

*** The last said is however, the best.
Do your job out of your love for doing your job.
What is general dharma for the people irrespective of caste and gender?* ⚫
Harinaama smaraNa is ultimate kaliyuga dharma irrespective of caste and gender.
 Shri Krishna and Shri Raama Smarana have special effect in Kaliyuga. 
⚫If dvija, one can do sandhyavandana thrice or atleast twice.
⚫Ekaadashi vrita with tithi traya aacharana should be done by all from 8 to 80.
⚫Women and kids irrespective of age, widow,  unmarried can grow tulasi and do pUja during Sunrise and Sunset.
⚫Dasarapadas can be sung and danced upon irrespective of gender, caste.
⚫Bhagavadgita, Bhaagavata, Puraanas, e t c , can be used for Katha, Paarayana and Manana irrespective of gender and caste and age.
⚫Vishnu Sahasranaama, Madhvanaama can be recited irrespective of gender and caste and age and marital status. 
Non dvijas should use Shrii in the place of Pranavaakshara.

||⛳ShriKrishnaarpanamastu ⛳||

A Guru was teaching Vishnu Sahasra naamam to a group of young boys. 

Guru chanted the slokam :-

Sri Raama Raama Raamethi Rame Raame Manorame |
Sahasra naama Tathulyam Raama Naama Varaanane ||

Then he told the boys: "if you chant Raama naamam 3 times, it is equivalent to chanting the whole Vishnu Sahasranaamam or chanting Lord's Naamam 1000 times."

One of the boys could not agree with the teacher. 
He questioned the teacher; 
"Gurudeva, how can 3 times=1000 times? I do not get the logic. 
 How 3 naamams =1000 naamams?

The smart Guru, a great devotee of Lord Raama spontaneously explained:-

Lord Shiva says that the name of Lord Rama is the sweetest of all the words & chanting this name would be equivalent to chanting the whole Vishnu Sahasranama or thousand names of Vishnu.

Here is the interesting calculation to prove that 3 times chanting of Rama naamam = 1000 times chanting or chanting the whole Vishnu Sahasranaamam.

Take the name Rama.
It has two Sanskrit letters RA& MA
RA (2nd consonant in Sanskrit : ya, RA, la, va, sa and sha)
MA(5th consonant in Pa, Pha, Ba, Bha, MA).
Substitute the value of RA & MA as 2 & 5 to make RAMA : 2 X 5= 10.
So Rama Rama Rama = in nos: 2x5 x 2x5 x 2x5 = 10x10x10 = 1000. 

Three times chanting Rama naamam is equivalent to chanting it 1000 times.
The boy was happy with the answer and started learning Vishnu Sahasra naamam with full concentration and devotion. Let us thank the naughty boy and spread this to many friends for their information and chanting Rama Namam at least (1000) times both morning and evening at least.

Sri Raama Raama Raamethi Rame Raame Manorame |
Sahasra naama Tathulyam Raama Naama Varaanane ||

A Good Read :
Positive Parenting by Sudha Gupta.
Whats new ?
2017 -
 A New Year !
Whats the Difference?
New beginings !
NEW  Or Renewed Efforts !
'Am Now available for new programmes .
A quick peep into what are the programmes?
Presenting a New programme on Teamwork  driven with video film & experiential activities is unique in its kind & amp; nature.

How does teamwork at your organization stack up?

Is your team striving for perfection?

Do team members talk openly and honestly with each other?

Is there a continual effort for improvement?

What is an effective process that is fundamental to successful teamwork?
Is your team open and honest?

How often does your team hold a debrief session to review performance and lessons learned?

Does rank or position cloud performance issues?

Do individuals accept criticism and strive for improvement—regardless of title?

Call or mail me for finalizing this programme for your institution or organization.

Another New Programme is based on the Bhagavad Gita.

It deals on the ABC of Life.
A--> Attitude 
B--> Behaviour 
Besides this it also covers ;
This is delivered as a talk in an interactive session .
As a programme  it is available for a minimum 3 nights 2 days  duration.


Call or Mail me for  a programme on "Counseling Skills For Lay Counselors"
This is a 4 weekend programme and competitively priced.
Who can or should do this programme.?
All those who feel or believe that they can make good counselors and want to be of service to their fellow human beings.
Home Makers who are interested. 
Trainers who are interested in enriching their programmes. 
Programme is available at Hyd / Blr. 

As a Psychologist & Counselor , am available for individuals & organizations.
My fellow  counselors can take on Psycho therapy interventions , for & in cases where it is required.
Call / Mail me for seeking my services and an appointment.
As a Coach, 'am available for Coaching Sessions for Individuals:-
You Could be any one of these people;
A Professional in an Organization, 
A Young Executive just beginning your career,
A Student seeking those inspiring ,motivating sessions.
The areas of Coaching are Life , Business & Spiritual .