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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Whats new ?
2017 -
 A New Year !
Whats the Difference?
New beginings !
NEW  Or Renewed Efforts !
'Am Now available for new programmes .
A quick peep into what are the programmes?
Presenting a New programme on Teamwork  driven with video film & experiential activities is unique in its kind & amp; nature.

How does teamwork at your organization stack up?

Is your team striving for perfection?

Do team members talk openly and honestly with each other?

Is there a continual effort for improvement?

What is an effective process that is fundamental to successful teamwork?
Is your team open and honest?

How often does your team hold a debrief session to review performance and lessons learned?

Does rank or position cloud performance issues?

Do individuals accept criticism and strive for improvement—regardless of title?

Call or mail me for finalizing this programme for your institution or organization.

Another New Programme is based on the Bhagavad Gita.

It deals on the ABC of Life.
A--> Attitude 
B--> Behaviour 
Besides this it also covers ;
This is delivered as a talk in an interactive session .
As a programme  it is available for a minimum 3 nights 2 days  duration.


Call or Mail me for  a programme on "Counseling Skills For Lay Counselors"
This is a 4 weekend programme and competitively priced.
Who can or should do this programme.?
All those who feel or believe that they can make good counselors and want to be of service to their fellow human beings.
Home Makers who are interested. 
Trainers who are interested in enriching their programmes. 
Programme is available at Hyd / Blr. 

As a Psychologist & Counselor , am available for individuals & organizations.
My fellow  counselors can take on Psycho therapy interventions , for & in cases where it is required.
Call / Mail me for seeking my services and an appointment.
As a Coach, 'am available for Coaching Sessions for Individuals:-
You Could be any one of these people;
A Professional in an Organization, 
A Young Executive just beginning your career,
A Student seeking those inspiring ,motivating sessions.
The areas of Coaching are Life , Business & Spiritual .

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