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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Never give up & always be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. Love will find its way thru all languages on its own What information you choose to take on can have profound effects on your life. I will achieve success because I will never settle for anything less. You yourself are your own obstacle.

Rise above yourself.

Impossible is not a fact,  just an opinion.
Opportunity quietly surrounds you.
Information & knowledge are within your reach.
Prosperity knocks silently at your door.
Victory mysteriously awaits you.
Subtle & elusive as it may seem there  is no scarcity of success. 
Success is available to all of us.
The only real problem is how we choose to  respond to the unlimited abundance that is ours for the taking.
Do we accept or reject it? 
Do we allow or resist it?
Do we demand or dismiss it?
Do we take it in or turn it away? 

Ask yourself ;
How do you see the world?
How do you see yourself in the world? 
How do you see your near&dear ones?
How do you see your relationship with the world? 
How do you see your relationship with your near & dear ones?
Who counts the most? 
How is the relationship? 
Do you see opportunities in your relationship with the world? 
Do you believe it is yours for the taking? 
Do you  feel worthy of success? 
Do you feel deserving? 
Are you asking for it?
Are you looking for it?
Are you  listening for it?
Are you open to it?
Are you allowing it to manifest in your life &  your presence?
Have you qualified yourself that you don't deserve it for one reason or the other?
Are you siezing the opportunity to advance yourself & the world in a mutually beneficial way or are you putting it off for another day?
Are you expecting success or suspecting it?
Are you even aware that the choice is up to you? 
Take ownership & responsibility for your  outcomes.
Take a good honest look in the mirror at yourself !
Take the time to reflect on who u r & what u r capable of? 
Take a realistic measure of your current state- the good ,the bad and the ugly. 
Take advice from wise counsel & pay heed to it.
Take a chance!
Take action !
Take another look at your life and your results. 
Kneel  in humility & give thanks for what you have & what you are !!
Start Now , Start Immediately  !!
Why make excuses that limit us?
Why rationalise our undesirable results &restrict ourselves ?
What are you waiting for? 
Sieze the moment the opportunity !
It is all about energy !
It is all about the flow !
It is about Movement & Motivation , it is about Insight and Inspiration !!!!!

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