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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Growing resentment in a relationship is possible,
but it's only a problem if you refuse to make any changes.

Distance between two people is often created by an unwillingness to compromise.

I don't trust words ; i trust actions. Everything ultimately comes down to trust.. Better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie. A dream is a wish your heart makes Without trust nothing is possible, with it nothing is impossible Respect ,Trust & Love are the 3 most important aspects of any relationships Love is an Act of endless Forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit. The best and most beautiful things in the world can't be even seen or touched. They must be felt with the heart. A candle looses nothing by lighting another candle. Don't depend too much on anyone in this world because even your shadow will leave you when you are in darkness. Imagination is more important than knowledge - A.Einstein. Raise your words not voice. It's rain that grows flowers not thunder- Rumi Love is the bridge between you and everything- Rumi Listen to the sound of waves within you.- Rumi Beauty might catch your attention, but character catches your heart Asking for help is a sign for strength & opens you up to greater influence. Try not to be a man of success but a man of value.- Albert Einstein. Truth suffers from too much analysis. Success is about the difference you make in people's lives

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