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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

What is general dharma for the people irrespective of caste and gender?* ⚫
Harinaama smaraNa is ultimate kaliyuga dharma irrespective of caste and gender.
 Shri Krishna and Shri Raama Smarana have special effect in Kaliyuga. 
⚫If dvija, one can do sandhyavandana thrice or atleast twice.
⚫Ekaadashi vrita with tithi traya aacharana should be done by all from 8 to 80.
⚫Women and kids irrespective of age, widow,  unmarried can grow tulasi and do pUja during Sunrise and Sunset.
⚫Dasarapadas can be sung and danced upon irrespective of gender, caste.
⚫Bhagavadgita, Bhaagavata, Puraanas, e t c , can be used for Katha, Paarayana and Manana irrespective of gender and caste and age.
⚫Vishnu Sahasranaama, Madhvanaama can be recited irrespective of gender and caste and age and marital status. 
Non dvijas should use Shrii in the place of Pranavaakshara.

||⛳ShriKrishnaarpanamastu ⛳||

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